Friday, October 17, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

Okay, I am a little slow to respond to Kate's tagging me, but here goes:

8 Things I like a whole lot
Autumn & the Harvest Moon
Fruit Smoothies for Breakfast
New Shoes

Bubble Baths
Working in the Temple
Family Search Indexing
Reading my kids' blogs

Being married to such a smart, kind man

8 Phrases I Say Often
"I think I just heard a mouse."
"Is there any money left in the checkbook?"
"I didn't feel like fixing dinner tonight."
"Do I look fat in these jeans?"
"I'm going shopping."
"I'm going to the store to return the stuff I just bought."
"How was work/seminary?"
"Looks like we lost more money in the market today."

8 Things I want to do before I die
Organize all my photos in digital format
Re-do all my kids' scrapbooks with acid-free materials
Serve a humanitarian mission with my husband
Serve a service mission with my husband
Serve a temple mission with my husband
See all my kids become home owners
Read and understand "Jesus the Christ" by Talmage
Learn to appreciate more and complain less

8 Things I've learned from my past
The importance of marrying well
The scriptures say "It came to pass," not "It came to stay."
You can only change yourself, not others
Bite your tongue when tempted to say something you may regret
Pick your battles
Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Motherhood is the bestest paycheck I have ever received
I'm not perfect.... no, not even close

8 Places I'd love to visit

Brighton, CO
Firestone, CO
Dallas, TX
Chicago, IL
Provo, UT

8 Things I Currently Need or Want
The endless political commercials to cease and desist!
The world economy to stabilize
Better choices for President and Veep
My washer to recover from her mini stroke
The short in my blender cord to be fixed
Some exciting vegetarian recipes... I'm getting bored
The Primary children to sing beautifully next week in our CSMP
To smooch on the necks of my grandbabies

8 People I tag (I added 2 because some of you may already have been tagged.)
1. Louise P.
2. Sue V.
3. Ruth G.
4. Katie G.
5. Heather G.
6. Chris R.
7. Jill L.
8. Colleen O.
9. Rachel M.
10. LaVon W.


The Staub Squad said...

Yeah, I love it!

Casey said...

Haha, it's another way of saying "well". Have you ever heard people say, "welp, see ya later"?

Bryant and Katie said...

Loved your comments on things you've learned from your past. You are so funny!