Thursday, September 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa Olson!

For years September 11th was just another day, but now it takes on a whole new meaning. We realize how vulnerable we are as a nation. We know that we are hated by some people of the world. We know how important our nations' defense is and how important it is to have a strong military. I now more fully appreciate those who serve our country. People like Ralph Olson who served in WWII to keep our country safe and free. Even though this is a time for reflection, we are thinking, too, about you, Grandpa, and want you to know how much we love you and appreciate all you have done for our family, your community, our world. We love you! and Happy Birthday! (P.S. Happy Birthday to you, too, Jill! We love you, too!)


The Staub Squad said...

Happy b-day grandpa and jill we love you both so much and wish we were close to celebrate. Grandpa, I love your hard work ethic and patriotism, Jill you are such a cute mom to really cute kids. I am so lucky to be a part of the family you both belong too!!
Love, Kate

Lars said...

Happy Birthday Grandpa!
We love you lots and can't wait to see you and Grandma sometime.