Monday, September 17, 2007

"We Dress Modestly"

No picture for this blog, just a cute story. I was tending Erika the other day while Aubony was at the doctor. She got the dress ups and put the black dress on that she always plays in while at our house. But this time she put in on a little different--it was under her armpits like a strapless gown. She came in to me and said, "Grandma, I want to wear the dress like this." I was quite surprised and chose carefully my response. "Well, we don't wear our dresses like that, we like to be modest." Obviously she didn't know the meaning of the word 'modest' and so she repeated her request, but with more passion. "But Grandma, lots of girls wear their dresses like this. I want to, too." I responded with, "But Erika, we don't wear our dresses like that, we like to keep our shoulders covered. We like to dress modestly." She was pretty insistent, but I was relentless. She finally gave up and went off sulking.

Good luck in 10 years, Aubony!!!!


The Staub Squad said...

It seems like she still doesn't get it the whole modesty thing, poor little girl. Sounds like a good FHE topic.