Thursday, January 12, 2012

2 Years Ago

Two years ago today my brother, Jim, passed away. He was just 49. This picture was taken the day before he died. Elder Robert D. Hales from the Quorum of the 12 came to visit him and give his family blessings of peace and comfort. He has taught us what "ministering" means. He continues to call my sister-in-law to ask about her family, even though he is very sick himself. Jim died of stomach cancer. My younger brother, Brent, who is also 49, is now suffering with stomach cancer. Sometimes it's very difficult to understand God's plan, but my family never ceases to amaze me with their faith. I am so thankful for my family and the love we share. I am also very thankful for The Comforter in our times of sorrow and pain.


Cameron VSJ said...


I am so very sorry for the loss of your brothers. I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?


