Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can I Just Say...

Can I just say that it's harder to move out of state after having lived somewhere for 31 years?

Can I just say that?
Can I just say that I miss my grandchildren?
Can I just say that this place doesn't quite feel like home yet, even with a Christmas tree and presents underneath?
Can I just say that it doesn't feel like it will be Christmas in one week?
Can I just say that?
But can I just say that I still recognize that, for some reason, not completely understood, we still know that we made the right decision in moving.
But it's been hard.


Dan and LaVon said...

I can only imagine how hard it has been. But it will get better, the winter doesn't last forever and then you can drive back and forth to your hearts content. We do miss you so much and I esp felt it last week while sitting in the temple with Jean and Cathy C and felt like part of our fun group was gone, you are not gone just not so close. It is Christmas, even there and I will be thinking of you and hoping you have tons of fun with Evan and LUkas, really how can you not have tons of fun with those 2 crazy boys. Merry Christmas my good friend!

Heather said...

Merry Christmas...I need to pick your brain from all it's genius Primary music leader stash of great information. I will be starting that picking after Christmas so be ready! :)

Peggy said...

LaVon, I want to sit in the temple with you and Jean and Cathy. sadface
Thanks for your kind words. They warmed my heart.
Heather, are you the new Primary chorister? Love that calling! I would be thrilled to share any ideas I have but I expect your great ideas to be shared in return! Merry Christmas to you and your cute family!

The Staub Squad said...

I wish you lived by me. Then it would feel like Christmas all year long. Wish we weren't so far away. I noticed today at the grocery store all the moms and daughters shopping together. It was weird and made my heart ache.