Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I got up this morning and decided I needed to get control of my life again. "NO MORE SUGAR" I said to myself. At least for one day. So I mustered up all my willpower and decided to cut out anything that had sugar in it. Just for one day. It doesn't sound hard, does it? Well, let me tell you how difficult my day was. I have never had such cravings. It was IMPOSSIBLE! My drug of choice is chocolate. So I finally quit ignoring all those little voices in my head and grabbed me a nice Dove Promises chocolate piece. My fingers were shaking as I opened up the foil, and I was hyperventilating as I put the silky treasure into my mouth. Then I smoothed out the foil wrapper and read the little "Promise" fortune that was made specifically for me, today....

Darn it! That's just what I was trying to do!
Well, tomorrow is another day.


Sandra said...

I think the Manwill's have a serious sweet tooth. Ruth Ann and I do a little contest we call the "Better Me" contest. On it we have to go 3 days in one week without having anything sugar treats. There are small amounts of sugar in most foods, but those don't count. I have been able to master it with not too much problem, but Ruth Ann has only been able to do 1 day of the 3 and really struggled. I guess because I have gotten used to not having treats around with Lenny being diabetic helps, but Ruth Ann's husband is diabetic too so who knows. Good luck with your goal. It is acheivable.

Sandra Hansen

Louise said...

Peg, I really laughed at your "fortune" and showed it to everyone here at work. I don't struggle with chocolate, but I sure do struggle with pastries and lately with fruit rollups! Crazy, I know. Why fruit rollups? Who knows but try as I might, they just keep finding their way into my grocery cart.

Ruth and Steve said...

Ha ha you are all crazy. Even though I am married to someone with diabetes we still have lots of desserts around the house. More for me!!

Jill Land said...

Someone asked me the other day if I was having any pregnant cravings. At the time I didn't think so, but then yesterday, I baked. I baked blueberry muffins, a carrot cake and banana-oatmeal-chocolate chip cookies. My family loves me, but I hate myself! I am on weekly weigh-ins with my OB doc. I just can't wait till the next one! I need a little self-control!