Sunday, November 2, 2008

O Benny O!

Happy Birthday Mr. Benjamin "O" Staub! You came into the world looking innocent enough, but sometimes looks can be deceiving. Inside that package of blonde-haired, blue-eyed little boy lies a robust, mischievous, strong-willed and determined little man. Your mother often says "He's driving me crazy!" but you have your Papa Lee wrapped around your little finger. We love hearing you sing the Rainbow song, saying your colors and shapes, and hearing you say over and over into the phone, "Hi Gamma! Hi Gamma!" Benny O, O how we love you! Happy Birthday!


aubony, lars and the girls said...

Happy Birthday Ben! We love and miss you wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

Dan and LaVon said...

That first pic of Ben is the CUTEST baby picture ever, and that means that it surpasses even my kids! Now that is something awesome!