Monday, January 21, 2008

What are YOUR New Year's Resolutions?

We all have heard the joke about the gym being full in January, but if you wait until February it will be empty again. What are YOUR New Year's Resolutions? Here are a few from Mom:

1.Read my scriptures every day
2.Say "yes" to service opportunities that come my way
3.Work up to a 3 mile run on the treadmill


The Staub Squad said...

go to the temple at least once a month, be better at living on a budget

Peggy said...

And run a half marathon??!! (I know that's one of Kate's goals, too!)

Peggy said...

I did it! I ran 3 miles without stopping today! It was a brutal 36 minutes. I know, pretty slow for you marathon runners, but pretty good for an almost 52 year old grandma.

The Staub Squad said...

yeah momma, that is so awesome! Last night I went to see a movie at the theater called, "the spirit of the marathon." now I think I want to run a marathon.
call me crazy!!

Peggy said...

Hooray for Peggy and Kate. I really admire you for even attempting to run a marathon. My body is too old for that kind of stuff and I didn't really make any resolutions per se, but I have challenged my self to read the Book of Mormon this year as we study it in Sunday School. I am trying to keep my mind active so that I can keep what mind I have left by reading and studying and learning new things each day.
Grandma GG

SNOKAO said...

Floss every day.